Friday, February 2, 2018

Bat-dog and the Rubber-Slipper-Guy

Rubber-Slipper-Guy: "Doggie, what big eyes you have.

Doggie:  "The better to see you with, my dear."

Rubber-Slipper-Guy: "Doggie, what a big nose you have."

Doggie:  "The better to smell you with, my dear."

Rubber-Slipper-Guy:  "and Doggie, what big ears you have."

Doggie: "The better to FLY with, my dear."

And Bat-dog flapped his ears and flew away.
The End

Shark-dog Celebrates 6th Birthday

Note the high arching dorsal fin, a characteristic of a typical eater

Locked on target

Happy Birthday

Ah, I don't think this one is for you

 Eat till you sleep

Happy 6th Birthday Hollee