Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just Me, Mochi

E Komo Mai. Come and meet my relatives, friends, and neighbors

Even though I remind you of a terrier, I'm actually a Shar Pei according to the vet. Others say I'm more of a butterball, well that's the shar pei in me...

When I'm not out walking and checking out the neighborhood, I curl up with my favorite blanket. I'm so cute when I'm sleeping.

Photo by Dana Higashi

Puppy Pics
Photo by Dana Higashi

Speaking of cute... I was a rescue pup 
and look at me now... still cute :-)


  1. Mochi-Pochi,

    I love your new blog! I like all of your pictures. You should take some with your sister, Dana and post them too!

    Dr. Miyasaki
