Monday, May 13, 2013

My Friends--The Walkers

Rain or shine, every time I go out, I look for my friends.

My pal, Saburo

Connor, the Pom

Hi Ace!

Here comes Shaggy and the girls 

Shaggy is the pack leader

 Starbucks is fondly called "Beans"

Manu is a strawberry nose pitbull
Don't know who they yet are but they are HOT.
Oh, its Lupchong and Koa with Shaggy.



Pothe, she was my first love... sigh


 Hi Rascal, hey that's not him... that's Nalu

That's Rascal, we also call him "Spinner Dog"


Can Yoshi come out to play?

Magic and Pogi


and the easy rider

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